
In my research I mainly focus on human neuroscience. From starting as a research assistant and intern, through my time as a PhD candidate, and now in my post-doc time, I have studied a variety of different topics. They all have in common that I wanted to learn how the brain is linked to a specific function or behavior.

During my internship at Emory University in Atlanta, I studied the interaction between the motor cortex of the right and left hemisphere. I also got the chance to learn more about clinical research with stroke patients. Then, during my PhD I looked at more cognitive aspects of the brain. Specifically, the way in which we learn and make decisions. In my first post doc period I studied the visual cortex and how we perceive the world around us. And now in my current post doc, I look at more methodological aspects of the brain stimulation techniques that more or less were a part of all my previous endeavors. 

In this section you will find a list of my publications, collaborators and a summary of all my research studies. Also, you will find a short overview of a variety of neuroscience methods that I have used

My studies

In this section you will find a summary of all my studies. These summaries are slightly simplified so that they are accessible for everyone. For specific details have a look at the actual publication. Click the button below to read all about my research projects.


Click here to find an overview of all my publications. You will also find an digital object identifier (DOI), which is a link to the publication.  

Neuroscience methods

In my studies I used a variety of methods. These included behavioral testing, computational modeling, TMS, EEG, tDCS, tACS, fMRI and meta-analysic approaches. Learn more about all these methods in this section, by clicking the button below.

International collaborations

Here is a shout out to all colleagues I collaborate with.

Prof. Alexander Opitz (University of Minnesota) and the lab members (USA)

Dr. Ivan Alekseichuk - Northwestern University (USA)

Prof. Dennis Schutter - Helmholtz Institute (NL)

Prof. Michael Nitsche - IfADo (GER)
Dr. Ali Salehinejad, PhD - IfADo (GER)

Prof. Marius Peelen, PhD - Donders Institute (NL)

Prof. Cathrin Buetefisch, MD - Emory University (USA)

Dr. Lais Razza - Ghent University (BEL)

Dr. Kris Baetens - Brussels University (BEL)

Dr. Debby Klooster - TU Eindhoven (NL)